Production Stage.

 Hi viewers!

I hope all is well. Here's the update.

I continued to plan further for the commercial. Initially, I only had one song, but now I have two. "Angel" by Halle and "I Can" by Chronixx. Angel fits the beginning of the commercial as the start of the song is filled with questions that everyone has answers to. For example, the lyrics "Do you still swim in your thoughts? Do you still mistake your flaws for property?" Are lyrics that I think everyone can relate to. "I Can" by Chronixx is more of a cultural selection. As a Jamaican, I wanted the film to represent my roots. This song fulfills that desire as it is a reggae song. "I Can" fits the ending of the commercial as it shows the important stages of my life, setting the mood sentimentally.

I made some slight changes to the arrangements I had previously made. I removed the 'All-About-Me' sheet and replaced it with a question. I started filming some scenes along with finding a selection of photos and videos. I found plenty of old videos and photos of me when I was young on my mother's Instagram. Then I selected only a few of them and did a little editing. The next step is to finish the slideshow with these photos and videos but that's for later.

Thank you for checking in.

Logging off!



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