Production Stage: Almost there!


Hi viewers! 

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. 

Last week was definitely my busiest as I was overloaded with work. I hope you all got a chance of peace compared to me. Let's get straight to it!

It was a little difficult for me to film last week because I had multiple tests to study for. Over the weekend, I finally had some free time. To go more in detail about the filming, I filmed on my iPhone13. I was debating between filming on my Canon Camera or my iPhone, but since the camera was already a prop, I just went with filming on my phone. To be honest, The quality wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. I really enjoy working with the Canon Camera, but I'm glad I decided to go with the iPhone. I was able to capture the moment perfectly and the quality of the video turned out great. I'm really proud everything turned out. As you already know, I pre-recorded some clips of the commercial, but over the weekend I finished recording all the other clips.  Everything was recorded in my room. While that saved me time compared to having multiple different backgrounds, the downside of this is that I had limited sunlight. My room only has one window and there are trees that block the view. So, I used my lamp to add more light and warmth to the scene. I tried to get different angles in the scene, like close-ups and far-away angles. 

That is all for today. We're almost done with the commercial I can't wait for the finished product!

Logging off!


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