Production Stage: Finishing Touches.

Hi viewers! 

I hope everyone is enjoying their week. 

This whole commercial has been a long progress but the time has finally come. 

The only thing left now is the finishing touches. 

I'm so excited to put everything together. Since I already had everything recorded the only thing left was putting together the slideshow, adding the text, inserting the music, and making the final project. Let's Go!

I started with creating the format for where I wanted each clip. I wanted the scene with the camera to come before the transition to the "camera" which consisted of the slideshow. All the clips already had coloring so the only thing left was creating the slideshow. The slideshow was pretty simple to make. I took 2 photos at a time and made them both take up a part of the clip. I made them Fade in and Fade out to create a sentimental effect. For the videos, I would crop them into a square shape with a filter to give an "old" theme. The only thing left was to add the text and insert the music. It took a while until I found the "perfect" font for the film. Believe it or not, the font of the film speaks throughout the whole production, or at least that's what I believe. Then I changed the color to yellow so it would stick out more. After that I added both songs, I Can and Angel, and that was it!

I can't believe the commercial is finally done! I can't wait to share the final product with you all and I hope you all enjoy it as I did.

Logging off!


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