Production Stage: On The Move.

 Hi viewers! 

Welcome back.

I hope you're enjoying your day so far. Here we go!

Today, I started editing some of the previous clips I recorded. I wanted to give the scenes a warm feeling, so I played around with some filters until I found the perfect one. Once the filter was added, the scene looked perfect! The most difficult part of this whole process was figuring out where I wanted everything to be. Although I had a layout in the beginning, ideas change. For the most part, the idea of realizing self-worth remained the same. I re-arranged some of the clips I had previously recorded and now I'm onto planning when I'll finish recording the rest! I did some reselecting with my photos and videos. I chose 6 photos and 4 videos.

They all range from when I was 4 to now, giving a sentimental feeling. The only scene I have filmed is when my character(me) grabs the camera and turns it on. Filming this scene wasn't too difficult besides the fact that my hand continued to shake when I was holding the camera. I did some cutting and scaling for the clips and wrapped them up there. I am excited to share the finished product of the commercial with everyone once it's completed. I hope you all will enjoy it as I enjoy this working process. That's all for today's blog.

Logging off!


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