The Plan.
Hello, dear viewers!
I hope you are doing well.
In the third week of school, I finally got my first project.
This first project is a commercial based on me and my life. I hope to do my best to test my abilities in film-making. There are some ideas that I have on making the film that I would like to share with you today. Let's Begin!
I was thinking about starting the film with an opening cut showing myself present. I would have an All-About-Me paper that I'm unable to fill out. Then, switch to a cam record to give a "past" type effect. Also, I plan to include in the beginning me (my character) playing music and then cutting it off when she finds her old camera. Halle's recent song "Angel" is what I think best fits the scene and myself, setting the mood. After that, I plan to show some of the most important moments of my life, with some text to explain each scene, resuming the music. I think this format will be able to show my adventurous life most engagingly.
I'm not sure how I'll end the commercial. Either I'll end it with me closing the camera after watching' the record of my life,' or I could end it with me finishing up the All-About-Me paper. The latter would give more of a self-finding type of situation that I think would be memorable and symbolic. I think that everyone has had times when they have forgotten their "purpose" but looking back on their lives, they find that meaning again. I'm really excited for this project! I'm smiling even thinking about it. I hope that the commercial comes out exactly as I planned, but even if it doesn't, I'll enjoy the experience I've gained.
I plan to get my photos and videos off of my mother's, grandma's, and aunt's old Instagram. This way I'll find all the old embarrassing goodies. That's all I have for now. I'll continue to update you on my progress.
Logging off!
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