Planning Blog: Title design.

Hello Everyone!

Today we will talking about the title design for my opening sequence.

The opening credits of my film will appear in the “Oswald’ and “Plunct” fonts in capcut. I want the text to appear as if it’s typed in. Some credits, though few, will be embedded in the setting. For example, some credits will on the phone, notebooks, or a laptop. I figured that the title that I would like for my film would be “#FINDME.” It would be all in caps with the “ME” part in red while the rest of the text is white. For example, “#FINDME.” In the same way, when a character is being introduced the first name of the person will be in red and everything else will be in white. The sizing introduction will be smaller than the name. For example, “Directed by KEMORA WHITELOCKE.” All titles will be typed onto the screen. They will come on as being typed and disappear witha fade. Then they will disappear after two or three seconds.  

That's all I have for now, till next time.

Logging Off!


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