Title Research: Art of the Title and Watch the Titles Website.

 Hello everyone!

Today, I'm exploring the two sites artofthetitile.com and watchthetitles.com for a more comprehensive understanding of the trends and styles with title design. I hope to use my knowledge gained to incorporate it into the opening sequence of my film. By researching these platforms, I can assess the diversity of styles and customization options. Analyzing font choices, color schemes, and layout options allows me to have a comprehensive assessment of design possibilities. Additionally, this research provides valuable insights into how these platforms cater to different design preferences. It also helps me stay updated on any emerging design techniques or tools that may influence title design in various contexts. Examining these platforms allows me to assess their creativity and flexibility in generating captivating titles, while also getting enough inspiration for my own. Overall, since the title design plays a huge part in the opening sequence, I wanted to study how others design and incorporate creativity into their projects. I believe doing this will help create a successful opening sequence that is eye-catching to my audience. This is why I decided to study and do research on these two websites.

Logging off!


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