Planning: Awaiting Your Red Letters Script.


Here is the script:



- Bookshelf’s are seen and both JENNY and HANYA are in frame. Jenny has a clipboard and HANYA is holding a stack of books behind her -

HANYA: This is your third time being late, keep this up and you won’t have a job.

- Camera zooms in and freezes on her -

JENNY (VOICEOVER): This is Hanya Miller, my best friend, coworker, and headache. 

 - JENNY turns to her -

JENNY (VOICEOVER):  And that’s me, Jennifer Baker, an art major at FAU, romantic virgin, and sarcastic freak.

JENNY:  I know *sluggish*

- JENNY grabs a book hands it to HANYA and checks it off the clipboard -

JENNY: The deadline for my final is coming up but I haven’t been able to draw anything.

HANYA: Well, what inspires you?

-JENNY reaches for another book meeting the gaze of JAMES across the bookshelf -

JENNY: Eyes.

HANYA: Eyes? *Questioned look*

JENNY: Take over. *Quickly hands over the clipboard and book*

- JENNY rushes over to the other side of the shelf where she walks over to the bookshelf glancing at James -

JAMES: Can I help you?

- Camera zooms in and freezes on him-

JENNY (VOICEOVER): This is James Wilson, and though I didn’t know it at the time, he would change my life forever. 

JENNY: Sorry?

JAMES: You keep looking at me.

JENNY: Uh..*Stutters* Weird question…Could I draw you?

JAMES: What..? *Confused*

JENNY: Specially your eyes, you have lovely eyes, not that the rest of you is hideous or anything — in fact God spent his time with you(slows down and drags) it’s for my art final. (spamming)

- JAMES tilts his head, thinking -

JAMES: What’s in it for me?

JENNY: I can give you a discount on all books you buy.

JAMES: How about you let me film you? For a project.

JENNY: Are you a Perv?

JAMES: *Coughs* Not that type of film. We get to complete both of our projects by the end of the month, it’s a win-win situation.

JAMES: So, Deal? *Extends his hand*

-JENNY gives a questionable look -

JENNY: Deal.


- Montage of them at bookstore -

JENNY(VOICEOVER): We met often since then, I would draw him on my breaks and study after work. Time flew by quickly and before I knew it we finished my drawing and after that…I didn’t see him for a week.

-JENNY is laying on the table books surrounding her, JAMES sits next to her and stares at her, a dissolve happens and JENNY wakes up to a red note -

-JENNY wakes up and see’s the red note reading “My turn -Lovely Eyes.” She rushes to get her things before leaving -



- JENNEY and JAMES are at a Tree Trail, JAMES farther behind her -

JENNY: So, what am I supposed to be doing?

JAMES: Anything, whatever you do is beautiful.

-Switches to JAMES camera-

JENNY: Careful, someone would think your flirting with me.

JAMES: Maybe I am.

- JENNY pauses -


-Montage of them at Tree Trail stops at bridge -

JENNY(VOICEOVER): I had learned a lot about him. He wanted to study filmmaking in some fancy program. He wants to Travel the world, recording everything on his camera and his smile is something i’ll always drown in. I liked him.

JAMES: And…that’s it.

JENNY: That’s it. *Out of daze*

JAMES: So I was thinking- *gets cut off*

JENNY: Well, this was an amazing couple of weeks, but it’s time to part ways. I hope this project gets you into that film program.

JENNY(VOICEOVER): But I was to scared to admit it. 

JAMES: Uh, same for you, I hope you pass your final.

- JENNY smiles before walking past him -



- JENNY submits her final and stares at the screen -

JENNY(VOICEOVER): And just like that, my life went back to being empty.

  • Knock is heard at the door and a red note slips under the door. JENNY smiles grabs her coat and runs out the door 

JENNY(VOICEOVER): Or so I thought.

  • Montage of them hanging out, stops at tree trail -

JENNY: So how’s the editing going for your project?

JAMES: Do you really think I want to talk about filming right now?

JENNY: I’m sorry, we should totally be talking about the political and economic state of the world right now *Sarcastic tone*

JENNY: Fine, what should we talk about?

- JAMES goes quiet looking at her -

JAMES: This *leans in and kisses her*



-JENNY walks around the house. Her laptop dings and gets her final grade. She rushes to message JAMES -



-Focus switches to JAMES staring at the sealed envelope in front of him-

LANI: As your best friend, James, I can’t have you looking like a helpless puppy. Open it.

AARON: Lani, Let him take his time, this is an emotional experience.

LANI: Aaron you don’t even feel emotions.

-JAMES grabs the envelope and reads it-

JAMES: I got in. *Says empty*

LANI: Hello! This is good news.

AARON: United Kingdom here you come.

- JAMES still shows no form of excitement -

LANI: What’s with that look?

JAMES: I didn’t tell Jenny.

LANI: I told you not to get involved with that girl.

AARON: I disagree, I say you spend your last months having fun.

AARON: It wasn’t serious anyways, she’ll get over it.*Shrug*

LANI: You both seriously suck.

- Missed calls from JENNY are seen on his phone -


- JENNY finds out JAMES program is international and knocks on the door. JAMES opens it-

JENNY: Your leaving?  *Angry* 

JAMES: What are your talking about, calm down. *Closes the door behind him*

JENNY: The program you wanted to get into, it’s international.

JENNY: Were you even gonna tell me? 

JAMES: Jenny I was going to I swear (Jenny’s line) I couldn’t find the time.

  • JAMES attempts to grab her hand but she pulls away and starts walking away he follows -

JENNY: You liar.

JENNY: So this couple of days were just a game to you?

JAMES: No, No, I really care about you.

JENNY: If you cared you would’ve told me.

JENNY: Gosh, why is this so complicated. - Signals between the two of them-

JAMES: Why is this complicated? Your the reason why it’s complicated, you can’t accept your feelings.

JENNY: Excuse me?

JAMES: You like me but you're scared to admit that.

JENNY: Your ridiculous.

JAMES: Then why did you kiss back, matter of fact why do you shut down every time I try and talk about the kiss.


JAMES: You want to talk about things being a game, half the time I don’t know which Jennifer i’m gonna get the one that’s into me or the one that pushes me away.

JENNY: Well, none of this matter now if your leaving does it.

- Silence grows between them -

JAMES: I’m not throwing away my dream for you, Jenny but I also can’t bear losing you.

JENNY(VOICEOVER): And even in this moment, I still couldn’t say what I wanted to cause even if those three words left my mouth he still would leave.

JENNY: Well keep in contact then.

JENNY(VOICEOVER): Those weren’t the words he wanted to hear.

JAMES: I’ll write to you.

- They smile at each other, tears falling down JENNY face -




- JENNY is laying on her couch a stack of red letters seen on the side table. An envelope is slipped under the door. When she opens it she sees and red note and quickly opens the door, JAMES waiting on the other side -

JAMES: Surprise!

- JENNY stands there -

JAMES: This is usually the part where people get excited.

JENNY: I love you.

JAMES: You finally said it.

- They embrace in a lovely hug -



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