Production Stage: A Step Back.
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Let's get right into it! Today I did some more editing on the Music Video. As I mentioned last blog, the video was not yet fully edited due to additional filming that needed to be done. From my previous editing, I went overtime by one minute. This is probably because I got carried away while editing and had too much fun. Because of this, I needed to cut some of the unnecessary scenes and focus more on the most important ones. Moreover, I needed to shorten the transitions between scenes as well. As a group, the girls and I decided to cut some scenes to keep the video within the time limit. So, I suggested scenes to cut and then discussed what should be kept and what should be removed. The team debated whether or not certain scenes had to be cut out of the story to maintain the cohesion of the overall plot. In the end, I removed the scenes that needed to go and left what should stay. Because of all of this cutting, I had to...